Welcome to Earth Month!

The Tarrytown Environmental Advisory Council (TEAC) and Sustainable Sleepy Hollow (SSH) are joining forces for a powerful series of Earth Month events, with the theme “OUR POWER, OUR PLANET!” Please sign up for events below!

2025 Events

Click the BOLD DATES to go to event details and to sign up

April 5, 10am-12:30pm (Barnhardt Park): Horsemen Family Saturday Earth Month Festival. As part of the 2025 Earth Month Festival, the Village of Sleepy Hollow is sponsoring TUFSD’s Green Horsemen Family Saturday. All are welcome to join for a grab & go breakfast and activities including enviro crafts, pollinator friendly seed giveaway, face painting, and a bouncy castle. 

April 5, 10am-12pm: TEAC Vine Squad. Calling all outdoor enthusiasts and tree lovers… Come meet some new folks, get a little exercise and save our trees from vicious, invasive vines! Meet at the Hikers’ Parking Lot at Wilson Park Drive and Tower Hill Road.

April 6, 12-1 or 1-2: Energy-Smart House Tour. (Sign up in advance) TEAC Co-Chair Dean Gallea will show a host of retrofits to his 140-year-old home that you can do as well. Clover Heating will be on hand to discuss energy assessments.

April 12, 9am-12pm: Compost Giveback Day. Grab your empty bins and buckets and join us to take home the compost that has been produced by the Tarrytown & Sleepy Hollow Food Scrap Recycling programs. Stop by the Sleepy Hollow High School Admin Building Parking Lot – before or after your trip to the TASH farmers market – to take up to two large containers of free compost for your home garden.

April 12, 10am–11am: First monthly RiverWalk Flash Clean Up and Horan’s Landing water quality testing. In just one quick hour, you can help keep plastics and trash out of our beloved Hudson. Please sign up. We’ll provide gloves and trash bags. Meet by the picnic tables in Horan’s Landing Park, 57 River Street, Sleepy Hollow. Rain or shine.

April 13, 9-12pm: Community Garden Cleanup. We’ll be cleaning up the Community Vegetable Garden between the Paulding School and Cobb Lane, getting it ready for planting.

“Use our Power, Speak for Our Planet” Earth Day listening sessions:
April 21, 7pm (Tarrytown) & Tuesday April 22, 7pm (Sleepy Hollow) 
Commit to showing up at your village’s Board of Trustees meeting for a special session where Trustees will ask residents to speak briefly about our environmental priorities. Bring your own short list, or choose one or two from the below issues facing our community. Kids very welcome!  

April 26, 10am-12:00: Neperan Park Earth Month Celebration. Join TEAC and Little Gardens of Tarrytown on Saturday 4/26 from 10am to 12:00pm when we celebrate Earth Month with a free spring seed planting event for kids along with  complimentary pollinator friendly seeds to help you start your spring gardens. We also invite you to help us prepare our Neperan gardens for spring by removing invasives and preparing beds for new plantings. This is a great opportunity to learn about native plants and garden care. Please wear comfortable clothing and bring garden gloves and a long sleeved shirt.

April 27, 10am-12pm: Lyndhurst Estate Free Seeding Event and Vine Cutting Demo. Join us for a free spring event to learn about sustainable landscaping work being done in the historic landscape in your backyard. Visit the Lyndhurst Rose Garden for an invasive vine removal demo and hands-on learning opportunity as part of the restoration work happening there. Followed by native seed potting on the Welcome Center patio (families welcome). Take home extra pollinator-friendly annual seeds and select native seeds to jump-start your spring garden!

April 27, 9am: Morning Bird Walk with Yoni Rabino. Yoni Rabino is an experienced birder, bird walk leader, and ‘lister’ who is deeply embedded in the local and migratory birds of the east coast and has experience identifying both by sound and sight. Park at the Tarrytown Lakes Parking Lot; our group will follow the Andre Brook Trail which connects through Sleepy Hollow to the High School Parking Lot. We will have vehicles at the end point that can shuttle people back to cars parked at the Lakes after the walk. Please bring binoculars!

April 27, 9am-5pm Village Free Day (Raindate: Sunday, May 4th). Sleepy Hollow & Tarrytown Residents are invited to put usable items they no longer want by their curb. Browse your neighborhood for treasures; if anything is left by your curb at the end of the day, please bring it back inside.

April 27, 10am-12 noon: Earth Month Clean-Up. Come Join Hackley’s Lake Keepers at their Earth Month clean up on Sunday, April 27, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Meet at the Tarrytown Lakes parking lot on Neperan Avenue and Sunnyside Avenue and look for our table. Stop by for an hour or stay for the entire time. Gloves, trash pickers, and bags will be provided. Bring your friends and family and come help clean up the trails surrounding our beautiful lakes! Refreshments will be served.

May 3, 10am-1pm, Riverkeeper Sweep. Two starting locations, Tarrytown Losee Park Lot G and Sleepy Hollow Horan’s Landing. From Losee Park to Kingsland Point Park, we will sweep plastic and other waste out of the riverfront and into the right place!

May 4, 10am-2pm: TarryHollow Repair Cafe. Bring your small broken or non-working household items and appliances to the Sleepy Hollow Senior Center, where our volunteer repair coaches will use their expertise and tools to help get them back in shape for free!